Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Tugas Kelompok Pengantar Manajemen

Berbagai Perencanaan yang di Lakukan

Planning adalah hal yang di butuhkan dalam segala bidang termasuk dalam bidang usaha, palnning adalah mementukan perencanaan perusahaan dengan cara melihat kekuatan, kelemaha, Ancaman suatu usaha agar dapat menanggulangi dampak dari 4 hal tersebut agar umur perusahaan berlangsung lama, selain itu usaha juga membutuhkan target untuk mencapai apa yang akan dijalankan biasanya ada visi atau rencana jangka pendek, serta Misi yaitu rencana jangka panjang yang di buat untuk memacu pemilik kegiatan usaha untuk mecapai apa yang diinginkan. Dalam hasil survrey kami saat mendatangi sebuah usaha fotocopy di daerah Jakarta Timur ternyata dalam sebuah usaha kecil sekalipun akan memiliki visi, dan memiliki cara untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan usaha yang dijalankan.
Berikut ini adalah hasil yang dapat kami sampaikan setelah melakukan survey :
-Nama Usaha : Fotocopy
-Kekuatan       : Belum Banyak pesaing disekitar kawasan tersebut dan banyak warga sekitar yang menjadi pelanggan tetap disana.
-kelemahan     : Tidak bisa menaikan harga, karena sesuai hukum permintaan apabila terjadi kenaikan harga maka permintaan akan berkurang

-Ancaman        : Munculnya Usaha serupa, sehingga konsumen dapat memilih aalternatif pembelian di tempat lain
-Visi                   : Untuk memenuhi tuntutan hidup keluarga, selain itu ingin menambah variasi barang yaang di jual selain alat tulis kantor.
-Misi                   : Membuka peluang usaha untuk warga sekitar, dan dapat menarik minat konsumen lebih banyak lagi.

Dari hasil wawancara di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha diatas memiliki target untuk di capai yaitu membuka peluang usaha bagi warga sekitar, selain itu juga usaha doatas memiliki cara sendriri untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup usaha tersebut.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Desire in 5 years ( TULISAN 2) SOFT SKILL B.INGGRIS

Desire in 5 Years

            Every human being must have keinginkan useful for life in the future. This time I will write my will in the next 5 years. If every person in question about what you want in the next 5 years? Surely the answer "to be someone better and better", sebenrnya not like that at the mean, anyone who lives in this world would want to be like that but do we have the ability we have the capability not why utilized for the common good.
            Actually what I wanted in the next 5 years to take advantage of the knowledge that I have accomplished with job opportunities that are beneficial for the people, for example by opening a business mini market, calculated for reducing unemployment in this day and age. Actually the problem of people that get the job done fast or too slow it all depends on the provision of each person, it's just a small example to open a business. I desire then it can open a quality company, like a happy parent at the time when they had become old and weak, and that clear in my 5 years of age is increasing and will definitely have a mate that will run it in a bond called marriage (life new) hopefully live always in a state of fine and only death can separate.
            May all my wishes will come true the next 5 years and has always run smoothly.

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

If-Clause softskill B.Ingris

Tugas 2
 If – Clause

1. I didn’t feel good yesterday. if I (feel) had felt better, I (came) would have came to class yesterday.

2. I don’t feel good today. If I (feel) felt better I (take) would take a walk in the part today.

3. I have a cold today, but I will probably feel better tomorrow, if I (feel) feel better tomorrow, I (go) will go.

4. I’m sorry that you didn’t came to the party. if you (came) had came you (have) 
would have had a good time.

5. I’m tired. If I (be not) will help tired. I (help) am not  you.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Tips-Tips in Finding a Job

Tulisan 1 Soft Skill B.Inggris
Tips-Tips in Finding a Job

To be more useful and successful in the job search process, then we must consider several things that can get us accepted in the job we want. Here are some tips that can be used, including:

1. Finding and collecting as much as possible about the different types of work and          position, as well as existing jobs or businesses in a variety of institutions, both in the    country and outside    country.
            2. processing a wide range of information about various types of work and prepare as     necessary according to the type of work desired or appropriate to oneself.
            3. Seek to work or training activity that is more often known as an internship, to be          more             appropriate to have experience with this type of work that will be in the select or            the lead.
            4. When will apply for certain jobs, make sure that all requirements are fulfilled or at the           ready   with a correct and complete.
            5. If you will be self-employed or create jobs yourself then you should also prepare          everything related to business in live or in motion.

There are things you can not come in and spends quite unexpectedly, that is luck. Example :  for some reason, suddenly there was just a job offer and invite you to do business with these people, so easily and quickly we get the job. Although it is luck that is a provision for us but you have to remember that luck can not be copied or planned in advance, then my advice is do not ever transfixed by this reality, although there is no harm in dreaming if we can get the good luck. But the most appropriate and right that are still trying to properly and accompanied by prayer.

Hopefully useful for you all ......................

Active - Passive & Passive - Active

Tugas 1 Soft Skill B.Inggris

Active   -   Passive
0.  Active                  : Did Johnny break the window?
     Passive                 : Was the window broken by Johnny?

Passive   -   Active
8.  Passive                : Medicine can be prescribed by a doctor.
      Active                  : A doctor can prescribe medicine.